crij1301 less8 must provide links after each question
Chapter 13Should status offenders be treated by the juvenile court? Explain. Should they be placed in confinement for such acts as running away or cutting school? Why or why not?Should a juvenile ever be waived to adult court with the possible risk that the child will be incarcerated with adult felons? Why or why not?Do you support the death penalty for children? Explain.Should juveniles be given mandatory incarceration sentences for serious crimes, as adults are? Explain.Chapter 14Should the US government use drones to spy on suspected terrorists on American soil?Would you allow federal agents to use intensive interrogation techniques such as waterboarding to pry information from terror suspects?Should people who illegally download movies or music be prosecuted for theft?How can Internet pornography be controlled considering that a great deal of adult content is available on foreign websites?Submission Instructions:Complete your assignment by clicking “Write Submission” (not “Comments”) by entering text into the textbox and format using the Blackboard formatting tools–OR–use the “paste” function and copy from a word processor document into the textbox (recommended), and click Submit. You may view your posting both on this page and under My Grade (available under Tools). Do not attach files. For each question include at least one link to an internet site you researched to form your answer to that question. Extra Credit Work. This assignment gives you the opportunity to earn extra credit points which will be totaled separately from the required assignments. Submit it in a BB message using as the subject line the words “Extra Credit” and the chapter number. An extra credit assignment must be submitted in the same timeframe as the required assignment.Chapter 13 Extra Credit: NCJRSGo to the Justice Information Center website at Click on Juvenile Justice. You may have better luck going right to Juvenile Justice at . Then choose one of the documents listed. Read the document and write a summary of it which contains the salient points of the research. Ensure that your summary includes sufficient detail that your instructor can judge your understanding of the document. Note that there are more related links if none of the documents immediately listed catch your interest.Provide a link to the document you summarizedChapter 14: Less-Than-Lethal WeaponsResearch the issue of non-lethal weapons suitable for deployment by law enforcement agencies. Discuss this topic in detail in order to demonstrate an understanding of their deployment. List three types of non-lethal weapons still in the experimental stage or which have been recently been adopted. Discuss their operational characteristics, methods of deployment, effect on the intended target (and risks to non-intended citizens), the duration of the effects, etc. Of the three, which do you feel will be most likely to be utilized in the near future? Why? Which one is least likely to be adopted? Why? What benefit will this new technology provide to the police department and the community? Provide links to at least three internet sites you researched.