English Paper
5-6 Assignment 2, Milestone 1: DraftSee the rubric.Do not cut and paste large sections of Wikipedia pages together to create a paper. This is plagiarism. Please aquatint yourself with the consequences thereof. You need to remove all Wikipedia material from this paper, create a central argument that you can defend and support, and use databases from the library to find peer-reviewed resources. Use the “Ask a librarian” feature for help with research and submit to the online writing center for help with organization and proofreading. Do not surf the internet or use Wikipedia under any circumstances.ProficientNeeds ImprovementNot EvidentIntroduction: OverviewPoints:13.5 (10%)Provides an overview of the issue being analyzed and briefly describes main points of argumentPoints:10.13 (7.5%)Provides an overview of the issue being analyzed and briefly describes main points of argument but contains issues regarding accuracyFeedback:This should be a persuasive paper, not an informative paper on the state of road planning and constructionPoints:0 (0%)Does not provide an overview of the issue being analyzedIntroduction: ThesisPoints:13.5 (10%)Composes a thesis that states the argument that will be supported and proven throughout the essayPoints:10.13 (7.5%)Composes a thesis but contains issues related to clarity or relevancyPoints:0 (0%)Does not compose a thesisFeedback:There doesn’t seem to be an arguable thesis.Body: IntentPoints:13.5 (10%)Writes multiple paragraphs that are focused, clearly state their intent, and build the thesis argumentPoints:10.13 (7.5%)Writes multiple paragraphs but writing does not build the thesis argumentFeedback:Very few of the paragraphs are your own–most of this paper is a direct cut and paste from various and uncredited Wikipedia sites. This constitutes plagiarism. Please see the announcement at the beginning of the course concerning plagiarism and the consequences thereof.Points:0 (0%)Does not write multiple paragraphsBody: Body ParagraphsPoints:40.5 (30%)Body paragraphs communicate argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidencePoints:30.38 (22.5%)Body paragraphs communicate argument but do not combine thoughts and ideas with evidenceFeedback:There are a few credited sources used throughout, though they aren’t clearly connected to any argument. See the following for ways to compile a persuasive essay:Points:0 (0%)Does not communicate argument through body paragraphsBody: Opposing ViewpointsPoints:13.5 (10%)Addresses and refutes opposing viewpoints in a way that strengthens the argumentPoints:10.13 (7.5%)Addresses and refutes opposing viewpoints but not in a way that strengthens the argumentFeedback:These really aren’t counterarguments to any specific argument built within the paper, though there are some sources credited.Points:0 (0%)Does not address or refute opposing viewpointsConclusion: ReviewPoints:13.5 (10%)Reviews claim and summarizes key supporting points of essayPoints:10.13 (7.5%)Reviews claim and summarizes key supporting points but contains issues regarding alignment to the intent of the thesisPoints:0 (0%)Does not review claimFeedback:Adding several more paragraphs from Wikipedia doesn’t constitute a summation of your main points.Conclusion: InsightsPoints:13.5 (10%)Articulates insights about argument established through the analysis, following argument logically, referring to key points or quotes used to support argumentPoints:10.13 (7.5%)Articulates insights about argument established through the essay, but does not follow argument logically or does not refer to key points or quotes used to support claimPoints:0 (0%)Does not articulate insights about argumentFeedback:There needs to be insight to the argument given here as well as an emphasis on concluding evidence.Articulation of ResponsePoints:13.5 (10%)Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organizationPoints:10.13 (7.5%)Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideasFeedback:Format according to APA standards. You need to proofread the text that is your own for usage (their/there), fragments, and agreement.Points:0 (0%)Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideasRaw Total: 70.88 (of 135.0)Feedback to Learner