Environmental Science
Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECupHIOgavg&feature=youtu.beDINOSAURS VIDEO LABWrite a short paper (2-3 typewritten pages or less) analyzing the video shown in today’s lab. In your paper, indicate:1. The intended audience and explain your reasoning using specific examples from the video;2. What environmental/ecological principles were discussed, shown, described or mentioned (no matter how briefly);3. What was the primary environmental focus of this video; explain your reasoning using specific examples from the video;4. How successful was the video at getting its primary message across to its intended audience; explain your reasoning;5. Give a grade to this video from the PERSPECTIVES (a-f) of: a) a parent b) an educated adult c) an environmentalist d) a politician e) a business person(NOTE: A LETTER GRADE MUST BE GIVEN FOR ALL PERSPECTIVES LISTED.NO EXPLANATION FOR THE GRADE IS NEEDED HERE; SEE #6.)6. Choose ONE PERSPECTIVE from #5 and COMPLETELY EXPLAIN the reasoning behind your grade. Use SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from the video to justify the grade you gave that perspective.7. This is a serious writing assignment. You will be graded on your grammar, punctuation, and writing quality.