Gun control is a hot topic in the United States. Over the last few years, there have been cases of school and mass shootings. Due to these tragic events, there have been controversial opinions regarding gun control.
The Second Amendment to the US constitution protects civilians’ firearms ownership. It serves as the core argument against gun control in this country. Similarly, people who support gun control argue that the constitution writers could not have imagined the advances in gun technology. The development of assault weapons has occurred over the last years. Therefore, we need stricter gun control measures to combat gun-related violence.
Debate Side Choice
First, you need to learn about firearms regulation in general. Then, find a commonly used argument for each side of the debate.
Here are some overall arguments for gun control opponents:
- Gun possession is the best way to enhance self-defense.
- Gun control would automatically lead to the availability of guns in the black market.
- Proper education on gun safety will be more effective than increased firearm regulation.
On the other hand, some of the overall arguments for gun control proponents include the following;
- Firearms control reduces gun-related deaths.
- Most guns used in crimes and recent mass shootings were officially obtained and not from gun dealers.
- Possession of guns and forearms increases firearms accidents and deaths. It also leads to issues related to domestic violence.
Some people think that the number of arguments on their sides, whether proponent or opponent makes their points stronger. What matters is the validity and quality of the arguments. The arguments need to be easy to understand. Second, back the arguments with evidence and facts rather than emotions. Finally, base the arguments on reliable sources and contain resource links for an essay argument. Check on the following example;
Strong argument. A study conducted in Israel in 2010 shows that restrictions on gun access reduced suicide rates among individuals by 40%.
Weak argument. Many studies reveal a connection between gun control and decreased suicide rates.
Types of Gun Contol Essay
- Cause and effect essay. It describes the causes and outcomes of something. Here, you can take a specific law or an occurrence related to the topic. Then, state the correlation between the cause and effect of that law or occurrence.
- Argumentative essay. It involves conducting thorough research and collecting arguments from reliable sources.
- Definition Essay. It defines a problem or term to make it easier for the reader to understand.
- Expository Essay. Here you conduct deep research and expose facts. In the case of gun control, you can show how the government and corporates benefit from gun control sales and debates.
- Persuasive Essay. It involves convincing the readers of something by appealing to facts, logic, or emotions.
- Reflection Essay. Here, the writer reflects on his personal opinion or thoughts on a specific subject.
Although, there are many types of gun control essays, let’s look at the main types.
Persuasive Essay on Gun Control.
The core purpose of this essay is to convince your readers and to make them support your ideas. There are three core pillars of persuasive writing to keep in mind.
- Ethos- It emphasizes providing credibility by utilizing facts and using reliable and verified sources.
- Logos- Suggests that the reader use logic and clear ideas and explain why something is good or bad.
- Pathos- It emphasizes the reader to appeal to the readers to persuade them of something.
By choosing an argument that suits you the most, you will make solid arguments, logic, or emotion. Therefore, you will be able to build credibility and enhance persuasiveness.
Argumentative Essay on Gun Control
It provides arguments for or against a specific matter. However, it does not require you to convince the readers of your point of view.
There are different types of argumentations;
- Classic argumentation. It implies using a five-disclosure style of writing. It consists of the following parts; an introduction, narration, confirmation, concession, and refutation.
- Toulmin’s argumentation. It implies that you’ve ground or data claims that are supported by trusted sources.
- Rogerian argumentation. It involves studying claims for both sides of the problem. The goal here is to find common points and reach a mutual understanding.
Choose the type of argumentation that suits the most when writing an argumentative essay. By doing so, you’ll produce a flawless argumentative essay.
Then, you need to find the right topic. After choosing a topic, conduct thorough research to gather enough arguments to support your thesis. Then organize the collected data in an outline to simplify the writing process. Once you’ve all the arguments and an outline, start writing your paper. Finally, finish by proofreading and editing it.
How to Choose an Outstanding Gun control Topic
Before you start to wring your essay, you need to choose the right topic. Choosing the right topic can be very hard. Therefore, conduct thorough and extensive research when choosing the right topic. Pick a more narrowed and specific topic. It will help you to go into it as you write your essay.
Here are the characteristic of a good essay topic;
- It focuses on the relevant and important subject matter.
- It must engage your readers.
- It should be just the right size for the length of your paper.
- It should be accurate and specific.
- Relevant to your thesis statement.
- It should be debatable. It means that there should be arguments for and against it.
Now, let’s look at the examples of gun control essay topics.
Pro-gun Control Essay Topics
- Gun possession promotes gang-related violence.
- Stricter gun control regulations reduce gun-related deaths.
- The availability of guns for sale increases the cases of gun violence.
- Stricter gun control laws will help minimize mass shootings.
- Does the accessibility of guns lead to youth suicides?
Anti-Gun Control Essay Topics
- The top 10 arguments against gun control.
- Gun possession is the best mechanism of self-defense.
- Against stricter gun-control. It’s not guns that kill, it’s people.
- Strong arguments against gun control. Stricter gun control will lead to the growth of the black market and illegal weapons trade.
Tips for Writing a Brilliant Essay
Pick the Right Topic
Make sure the topic you pick is relevant, important and engaging. Also, it should not be too broad, but, at the same time, will encompass enough scope of information. Remember to check on the tips mentioned earlier in this article to ensure you write a brilliant essay.
Create a Powerful Thesis Statement
A thesis statement informs your readers about your position and gives them insights into the core topic. It must be based on your information.
Conduct a Thorough Research
To be successful in writing an essay, conduct in-depth research on the subject matter. Takes notes on our research na organizes it properly.
Consider Both Sides of the Arguments
Provide strong supporting arguments to make sure your essay on gun control looks impressive. To choose a strong argument, you need to know what counterarguments are there. Therefore, make sure you study the arguments from both sides.
Make an Outline
An outline consists of an introduction, body paragraphs with core ideas and arguments, and a conclusion.
Check the following sample gun control essays.
- Introduction.
- Background information. Here, show how the number of people who own firearms keeps growing. Also, reveal the number of gun-related mortalities in the US.
- Thesis Statement. For example, stricter gun control in the US will not prevent crimes and violence.
- First Body Paragraph.
- Main point: Gun possession does not affect violence.
- Supporting facts, arguments, and examples
- 2nd Body Paragraph.
- Main point: Loose gun-related regulations have led to a high rate of gun-related violence.
- Supporting facts, arguments, and examples
- Third Body Paragraph
- Main point: Gun ownership is an effective mechanism of self-defense.
- Supporting arguments, facts, and examples
- Conclusion.
- Summary of main points
- Restate the thesis statement.
6. Make your Position Clear
Take a specific stand on your argument and make sure you define it clearly. It’s not a good idea to stay in the middle of a debate.
Share Facts.
Provide arguments that support your ideas. This is how you build credibility and thus, it is vital to choose valid and strong arguments. By sharing your facts and statistical data, you make your essay look more valid. However, don’t include too many arguments. Instead, pick several of the strongest points and the valid ones.
It’s a short message that finalizes everything in your paper. Make it clear and logical. Remember to restate your thesis statement. This part makes a final and lasting impression on the readers. Therefore, pay attention to this part of your paper.
- Proofread and Edit your Work.
Make sure you through your work to eliminate all the mistakes and other grammatical errors in your paper.
We hope this article will help you handle the task of writing your gun control essay. If you still need help with your essay, just contact us. We’re ready and happy to assist you.