What is the average human reaction time?
Most texts seem to suggest that a good reaction time is anywhere between ##0.25## seconds and ##0.35## seconds.
Most texts seem to suggest that a good reaction time is anywhere between ##0.25## seconds and ##0.35## seconds.
(Although mine is sadly probably much lower lol).
Reaction time though is a very complex concept as one must bear in mind that once an event or a trigger occurs at time ##t=0s##, the sensory organ (eye, ear, skin, etc) receives the impulse and it takes time for it to travel to the spinal reflex arc or to the brain, then back to the affector muscles which brings about the response.
So a slow reaction time can indicate either a slow response of the nervous system to the stimulus, a slow speed of travel of the impulse along the nervous system, or a slow response of the affector muscles.
It is very difficult to correct slow reaction times. Some texts suggest special diets, lots of practice in the skill required, etc. But generally as one is subjected to long-enduring stress, trauma, disease, medication, etc one’s reaction times deteriorate and are virtually impossible to repair.