World Culture discussion week 2
DUE DATE SAT 5PM NO PLAGIARISM1 PARAGRAPH (NOT LONGER)”Ancient Greece and Athletics” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:Describe the ancient Greek competitive character, and compare the ancient Olympics (as a festival featuring athletics) to the Olympics today, identifying any major differences. Explain what the Olympic rules regarding females and evidence, such as the “running girl” artifact, reveal about female status and Greek athletics in particular Greek city-states. ExploreAncient Greek Athletics and Female StatusChapter 4 (p. 118), Olympics. Chapters 4 (pp. 113-114), women in Sparta; For Athens later, see pp. 137-8. British Museum’s Running Girl artifact at’s Penn Museum on Women and Greek athletics at a little help understanding what I’m looking for in the discussion this week? Just watch this video for a little extra help: