using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (or later) or DataGrip

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 SQL SERVER 2012 and various databases

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   By typing my name below I certify that the enclosed is original coding written by myself

without unauthorized assistance.  I agree to abide by class restrictions and understand that

if I have violated them, I may receive reduced credit (or none) for this assignment.

                CONSENT:   [your name here]

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PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’

PRINT ‘Read the questions below and insert your queries where prompted.  When  you are finished,

you should be able to run the file as a script to execute all answers sequentially (without errors!)’ + CHAR(10)

PRINT ‘Queries should be well-formatted.  SQL is not case-sensitive, but it is good form to

capitalize keywords and to capitalize table names as they appear in the database; you should also put 

each projected column on its own line and use indentation for neatness.  Example:

   SELECT Name,



   WHERE  CustomerID < 106;

All SQL statements should end in a semicolon.  Whatever format you choose for your queries, make

sure that it is readable and consistent.’ + CHAR(10)

PRINT ‘Be sure to remove the double-dash comment indicator when you insert your code!’;

PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’ + CHAR(10) + CHAR(10)



PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 1  [3pts possible]:

What is on TV?


This is an exact repeat of Question 7 from Lab Week 2. However, instead of using the all_data 

view, instead JOIN the CHANNEL, SHOW, and SCHEDULE tables together. Consult the ERD (if needed)

to determine which columns to match in the ON parts of the JOINs.

Show the first 100 TV shows that start on 9/10/2017 at 8:00PM (StartTime is 20:00:00).

Display results in order by ChannelNumber. 

Show ONLY the DisplayName, ChannelNumber, StartTime, EndTime, and Title.

Use CONVERT to format the StartTime and EndTime hh:mi:ss without the day, month, or year. 

Use CAST or CONVERT make DisplayName 10 characters wide, and Title 30 characters wide. 

Make sure all columns have appropriate names (using AS where needed).

Hint: A DATETIME column can be matched against a string like 8/30/1962 13:00:00.

Hint 2: Correct results will have 100 rows, and look like this:

Channel Name Channel Number Start Time End Time Title

———— ————– ———- ——– ——————————

KATU         2              20:00:00   21:00:00 Celebrity Family Feud         

KRCW         3              20:00:00   20:30:00 Two and a Half Men            

KPXG         5              20:00:00   21:00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent  

KOIN         6              20:00:00   21:00:00 Big Brother                   

DSCP         7              20:00:00   21:00:00 Alaska: The Last Frontier     

WGNAP        9              20:00:00   21:00:00 Blue Bloods                   

KOPB         10             20:00:00   21:30:00 The Carpenters: Close to You (

KPTV         12             20:00:00   21:00:00 The Orville                   

KPDX         13             20:00:00   21:00:00 Rookie Blue                   

TELEP        15             20:00:00   00:00:00 Ad Channel                    

QVC          16             20:00:00   21:00:00 Today”s Top Tech              

MEXCAN       625            20:00:00   20:30:00 Liga Mexicana de Jaripeo Profe

MULTV        626            20:00:00   22:00:00 Poncho en Domingo             

TEFEI        629            20:00:00   22:30:00 La Peña de Morfi  

‘ + CHAR(10)



— [Insert your code here]


PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 2  [3pts possible]:

HD Channels


Find channels in the CHANNEL table where there is a matching HD channel. For this problem,

only retrieve channels where the DisplayName of the standard definition channel matches the

DisplayName of the HD channel with an HD added to the end (ignore the case where, for example,

SYFYP matches SYFYHDP). Produce results as shown below, using 10 characters for both display

names, and ordering by Standard Name.

Hint: JOIN CHANNEL to itself and alias the tables using AS.

Hint 2: The correct answer will have 58 rows and will look like this:

Standard Channel Standard Name HD Channel  HD Name

—————- ————- ———– ———-

71               AMCP          1405        AMCPHD    

129              BLOOM         1122        BLOOMHD   

412              CBSSN         1303        CBSSNHD   

46               CNBC          1121        CNBCHD    

44               CNN           1111        CNNHD     

184              COOK          1485        COOKHD    

24               CSPAN         1128        CSPANHD   

201              DEST          1487        DESTHD    

121              DFC           1714        DFCHD     

70               EP            1466        EPHD      

35               ESPN          1205        ESPNHD    

36               ESPN2         1206        ESPN2HD   

609              ESPND         1231        ESPNDHD   

411              ESPNU         1301        ESPNUHD   

130              FBN           1123        FBNHD     

276              VICEP         1436        VICEPHD   

47               WEATH         1102        WEATHHD   

9                WGNAP         1420        WGNAPHD   

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]


PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 3  [3pts possible]:

HD Channels Part 2


Repeat the previous query, except this time use a CROSS JOIN. Add a WHERE

clause that matches display names that end in P with display names that end in


Note: There are ways to do this that don”t require a CROSS JOIN, but use a CROSS

JOIN anyway.

Hint: The function LEFT will return the left part of a string. For example, given

a column like “Animal”, with a value like “fruitbat”, the function LEFT(Animal, 5)

will return the value “fruit”. The function RIGHT(Animal, 3) will return the value

“bat”. The function LEN(Animal) will return 8.

Hint 2: The correct answer will look like this:

Standard Channel Standard Name HD Channel  HD Name

—————- ————- ———– ———-

52               AETVP         1402        AETVHDP   

43               APLP          1471        APLHDP    

56               BETP          1625        BETHDP    

61               CMTVP         1608        CMTVHDP   

41               DISNP         1715        DISNHDP   

7                DSCP          1449        DSCHDP    

122              DXDP          1716        DXDHDP    

551              HBOP          1803        HBOHDP    

561              MAXP          1821        MAXHDP    

576              SHOWP         1841        SHOWHDP   

59               SYFYP         1411        SYFYHDP   

55               TBSP          1434        TBSHDP    

591              TMCP          1861        TMCHDP    

58               USAP          1403        USAHDP    

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]


PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 4  [3pts possible]:

HD Channels Part 3


Use UNION to merge the results from Question 2 and Question 3 into a single set of results. Be

sure that your final results are ordered by display name.

Correct results will have 72 rows and will look like this:

Standard Channel Standard Name HD Channel  HD Name

—————- ————- ———– ———-

52               AETVP         1402        AETVHDP   

71               AMCP          1405        AMCPHD    

43               APLP          1471        APLHDP    

56               BETP          1625        BETHDP    

129              BLOOM         1122        BLOOMHD   

412              CBSSN         1303        CBSSNHD   

61               CMTVP         1608        CMTVHDP   

46               CNBC          1121        CNBCHD    

44               CNN           1111        CNNHD      

276              VICEP         1436        VICEPHD   

47               WEATH         1102        WEATHHD   

9                WGNAP         1420        WGNAPHD   

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 5  [3pts possible]:

Too late!


Find TV episodes in the SHOW table that aren”t currently scheduled. Include only results that have

an episode name and a description.

Use DISTINCT. To match my results, title and episode should be 20 characters wide and description should

be 50 characters wide.

Hint: Use an outer join with the SCHEDULE table along with IS NULL on the primary key to find the shows. 

Correct results will have 360 rows and will look like this:

Title                Episode              Description

——————– ——————– ————————————————–

12 Corazones         Normal               Normal:  (First aired 9/6/2014)                   

90 in 30             Bolivia vs. Chile    Bolivia vs. Chile:                                

A Different World    A Stepping Stone     A Stepping Stone: Whitley wants to be the team lea

A Different World    Dr. War Is Hell      Dr. War Is Hell: Jaleesa and Whitley have new room

A Different World    Dream Lover          Dream Lover: Whitley is upset by the romantic drea

A Different World    Some Enchanted Late  Some Enchanted Late Afternoon: Walter and Jaleesa 

A Different World    Two Gentlemen of Hil Two Gentlemen of Hillman: Dwayne and Ron”s friend

A la Cachi Cachi Por CECYT 15 ”Diódoro A CECYT 15 ”Diódoro Antúnez Echegaray” vs. CECYT 3

Accessorize Your Fal Clarks               Clarks:                                           

Adrenaline           Preparation          Preparation: The crew preps and plans for the midw

Alaska: The Last Fro Episode 13           Episode 13:                                       

Wings                Legacy               Legacy: Brian returns to Nantucket when a mysterio

Women”s Volleybal   FIVB World Grand Cha FIVB World Grand Champions Cup: Japan vs. USA: Fro

You Can Do Better    Afterhours           Afterhours:                                       

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘ Question 6  [3pts possible]:



We”ll be switching over to the IMDB database for the remaining questions this week.

Show all principals listed for the movie “Eraserhead.” For each principal, show the name of the movie,

the category, and the name of the principal. Also include the characters that actors and actresses

played (display N/A for NULL values). Format all columns to 20 characters wide.

Display in order by name.

Hint: title_basics has information about shows and name_basics has information about people.

title_principals links people to shows with information about the what kind of job the

person had on the show. Use the category column in title_principals here, rather than the job column.

Correct results will look like this:

Title                Category             Name                 Characters

——————– ——————– ——————– ——————–

Eraserhead           actor                Allen Joseph         [“Mr. X”]           

Eraserhead           actress              Charlotte Stewart    [“Mary X”]          

Eraserhead           director             David Lynch          N/A                 

Eraserhead           cinematographer      Frederick Elmes      N/A                 

Eraserhead           cinematographer      Herbert Cardwell     N/A                 

Eraserhead           actor                Jack Nance           [“Henry Spencer”]   

Eraserhead           actress              Jeanne Bates         [“Mrs. X”]          

‘ + CHAR(10)



— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 7  [3pts possible]:

Quentin Tarantino


What genres has Quentin Tarantino directed? Produce the title, type, year and genre

for shows where Quentin Tarantino was the director. Format Title as 30 characters wide

and genre as 20 characters wide. Order by Year.

Hint: title_directors has information about which people directed which shows. title_genres

has information about what genres (up to 3) a particular show belongs to.

Correct results will have 63 rows formatted as:

Title                          Type         Year        Genre

—————————— ———— ———– ——————–

Untitled Star Trek Project     movie        NULL        Action              

Untitled Star Trek Project     movie        NULL        Adventure           

Untitled Star Trek Project     movie        NULL        Sci-Fi              

Love Birds in Bondage          short        1983        Comedy              

Love Birds in Bondage          short        1983        Drama               

Love Birds in Bondage          short        1983        Short               

My Best Friend”s Birthday     movie        1987        Comedy              

Reservoir Dogs: Sundance Insti video        1991        Drama               

Reservoir Dogs: Sundance Insti video        1991        Short               

Reservoir Dogs                 movie        1992        Crime               


Untitled Quentin Tarantino/196 movie        2019        Crime               

Untitled Quentin Tarantino/196 movie        2019        Drama               

Untitled Quentin Tarantino/196 movie        2019        Thriller            

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 8  [3pts possible]:

Quentin Tarantino”s popular movies


Produce a list of all of Quentin Tarantino”s movies in descending order by rating. Format title as 30 characters

wide. Your results should appear as below (I escaped the apostrophe in the last result).

Hint: title_ratings contains the number of votes and average rating for each show.

Title                          Type         Year        Rating

—————————— ———— ———– —————————————

Pulp Fiction                   movie        1994        8.9

Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Af movie        2011        8.8

Django Unchained               movie        2012        8.4

Inglourious Basterds           movie        2009        8.3

Reservoir Dogs                 movie        1992        8.3

Kill Bill: Vol. 1              movie        2003        8.1

Kill Bill: Vol. 2              movie        2004        8.0

Sin City                       movie        2005        8.0

The Hateful Eight              movie        2015        7.8

Grindhouse                     movie        2007        7.6

Jackie Brown                   movie        1997        7.5

Death Proof                    movie        2007        7.1

Four Rooms                     movie        1995        6.7

My Best Friend”s Birthday     movie        1987        5.7

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 9  [3pts possible]:

Top 10 SF Series


Find the 10 most highly rated SF TV series. Include only series with 10000 or more votes.

Format Title using 30 characters.

Hint: Use SELECT DISTINCT genre and SELECT DISTINCT titleType to determine the correct

values to use to match SF TV series.

Correct results will look like this:

Title                          Rating                                  # of Votes

—————————— ————————————— ———–

Firefly                        9.1                                     210460

Westworld                      8.9                                     254053

Black Mirror                   8.9                                     202575

The X-Files                    8.7                                     170522

Mystery Science Theater 3000   8.6                                     20614

The Prisoner                   8.6                                     10202

The Venture Bros.              8.6                                     20478

The Handmaid”s Tale           8.6                                     55338

Altered Carbon                 8.5                                     35421

Utopia                         8.5                                     32097

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS 275, Lab Week 3, Question 10  [3pts possible]:

David Lynch/Angelo Badalamenti


Use INTERSECT and the title_principals table to find all movies where David Lynch and

Angelo Badalamenti worked together. Include ID and Title, format Title as 20 characters wide, and 

order alphabetically by Title. Don”t bother with title_directors or title_writers, just use 


Correct results will look like this:

ID        Title

——— ——————————

tt0090756 Blue Velvet                   

tt0116922 Lost Highway                  

tt0166896 The Straight Story            

tt0105665 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 

tt5334704 Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces

tt0100935 Wild at Heart                 

‘ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]




— This is an anonymous program block. DO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE.



    PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’;

    PRINT ‘ End ‘ + REPLICATE(‘ ‘,50) + CONVERT(CHAR(12),GETDATE(),101);

    PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’;


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