Assignment 1 Healthcare Administration Capstone


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Healthcare Administration Capstone – Week #1 Assignment 1

Selection of Problem

From healthcare finance to information systems, you have accumulated a vast amount of knowledge. In this capstone course, you will not only compile your final ePortfolio for submission, you will also put all of your knowledge to use in the development of a final project.

Throughout your academic journey, you have been exposed to quite a few issues and concerns related to the healthcare environment. More than likely, there was at least one problem that stood out to you in terms of scope, severity, or perhaps you may have personally experienced this particular issue.

Regardless of reason, in this course, you will thoroughly examine this problem, its past and present impact, as well as its potential for continual concern (Chapter 1). You will then analyze the research related to this issue; what is currently known and what is its framework within the field of healthcare (Chapter 2). After your research on the topic is complete, you will then develop an action plan for the problem paying close attention to the resources needed and the complexity of implementation (Chapter 3).

Lastly, once your plan is completed, you will then evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your plan (Chapter 4). Without making revisions at this juncture, this step is merely a review of potential barriers to your plan either from a social or political perspective. You will also include a complete list of references used in your project, compiled in adherence with APA standards for citation (Chapter 5).

For a complete overview of the Capstone Project, please review the Capstone Project Outline.


Capstone Project Outline/Contents

I. Cover/Title Page

II. Table of Contents

III. Abstract – written last

a. 150 to 250 words

b. Concise and non-evaluative

c. Not an introduction

IV. Chapter 1 – Problem Statement (5 to 7 pages)

a. Introduction

b. What is the specific problem within the healthcare environment that needs to be


c. History of problem

i. When did it first appear?

ii. Who does it affect?

1. Demographics

iii. What has been done historically if anything?

d. Current scope

i. Significance of problem

ii. What is currently being done?

iii. What role does management currently play within the context of the


iv. Responsibility of problem

1. Who owns it?

2. Why does it remain unaddressed or persist?

v. Is it related to cost, access, or quality – combination or all?

e. Definition of terms

f. Conclusion

V. Chapter 2 – Literature Review (5 to 7 pages)

a. Introduction

b. What has been published?

c. Theoretical framework within which the problem exists

d. Literature review full circle

e. Conclusion

(Not just a regurgitation of what has been published – rather this is an analysis of what

is known and not known about the problem)

VI. Chapter 3 – Strategic Plan (5 to 7 pages)

a. Introduction

b. What should management do?

i. Implementation

1. Costs – direct and indirect

a. Who will pay?

b. Sustainability?

2. Labor needed

a. Special training required?

3. Technology needed

a. Current systems in place?

4. Communication

a. Gaining employee buy-in

b. Formal versus informal

ii. Short term versus long-term planning

c. Who will benefit?

i. Organization?

1. Leadership?

2. Employees?

ii. Patients?

iii. Providers

d. What will the healthcare environment look like once problem is solved?

e. Conclusion

VII. Chapter 4 – Recommendations for Future Study/Limitations (2 to 3 pages)

a. Introduction

b. Possible barriers for implementation

i. Social barriers – if any

ii. Political barriers – if any

c. Limitations of plan

i. Scope

ii. Cost

d. Conclusion

VIII. Chapter 5 – References

a. Introduction

b. 80% newer than 5 years

c. Germinal research present

d. At least 20 references

e. All references cited in body

f. No active hyperlinks

g. Conclusion

IX. Appendices – if any (Tables, charts, etc.)

This week’s assignment is to choose the issue or concern you are going to address in your Capstone Project. Write approximately one paragraph describing the problem and why you are choosing it for your project. Submit your typed paragraph to the dropbox for review and feedback by your Instructor.

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