Case Study Write Up
Case study write up on case “3DRobotics” from McGrawHill. I have posted the pictures. Write up has to be 1 page of drawing key points from the case and .5 page from the perspective of “what you would do” as an executive officer of that company. Criteria as follows:
You need to show:
– The top issues which you think prompted the case to be written
– Your consideration of each issue, including any action that must be taken to address the issue and the pros/cons of that action
– Assume the perspective of a company officer
– Describe your reaction to the case from that officer’s perspective
You receive no points for summarizing the case.
You can receive a maximum of 5 points for issue identification.
You can receive a maximum of 15 points for your analysis of those issues.
You can receive a maximum of 5 points for the company officer perspective
Please read the case and identify the key issues with the business and write about how you would have done things differently as CEO, CMO, COO..etc