discussion for post

 B) expand on 3 of these concepts in paragraph form (7-12 sentences per paragraph) 

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 Please provide an answer to the question in 150 words   Pretend that you have just met someone who has never heard of “natural selection.”Explain to him/her how natural selection works. Use one particular type of organism as an example to illustrate your explanation.

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Choose one of the following topics and write a 400-500 word essay. You must cite at least 2 primary sources. Follow the proper citation format ( to an external site. for articles and or websites ( to an external site.You must use direct (primary) sources of information (i.e., not Wikipedia or news articles). The essay […]

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biology lab report on the effects of enviromental conditins on activity of enzymes

points to be consider:= A. effect of temperature on enzyme activity B. effect of ph on enzyme activity

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genetic inheritance and the function of DNA (WK4P)

No word count all questions must be answered Our understanding of genetic inheritance and the function of DNA in producing the characteristics of the individual have been developing for more than 150 years. Consider our current state of knowledge. Link genetic characteristics to DNA structure. Describe the steps in the process of protein synthesis. Explain […]

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achievements in biology 2000 words (wk5p)

2000 words Discoveries in DNA, cell biology, evolution, and biotechnology have been among the major achievements in biology over the past 200 years with accelerated discoveries and insights over the last 50 years. Consider the progress we have made in these areas of human knowledge. Present at least three of the discoveries you find to […]

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References  cites three or more primary references; i.e. a journal article or abstract from PubMed – no Wikipedia, blogs or other unrefereed web source (see PubMed instructions handout)  The subject is (will a high protein diet increas the metabolic rate of the cricket)

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one question

one easy question of biological. everything is in attachment  

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1. Write a page of what psychoactive effects of drugs in older patients 2.  Briefly describe the Peripheral Nervous System

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I have a biology project about (will a high protein diet increas the metabolic rate of the cricket) all I need is references  cites three or more primary references; i.e. a journal article or abstract from PubMed – no Wikipedia, blogs or other unrefereed web source   contains at least one reference being from a […]

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