Personal Analysis – one page essay

Prompt: This essay is not a “book report” but rather a personal analysis, critique, or commentary on what the student learned and/or agreed/disagreed with.  The student must review the book list and provide their selected book on the dates listed (on a full 8½”x11” paper). Grading will include grammar and spelling.  Essays to be printed […]

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Engineering Tutor ASAP

Hi i have Lab report (Tensile Testing of Steel)   and i need help with the calculation part & drawing on graph using excel  must be done in 2 hours  plz help and contact me ONLY if your an expert in this  topic

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types of Ultrasonic Sensing in cars

I need you to write about types of Ultrasonic Sensing in cars.  -give the lest of the type.  – how it works.  with 1000 words min..   

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Research paper in OSHA

Write a project of at least 8 page (single space).  – Minimum 4 sources.  – Any topic impacting the safety and health profession(OSHA).  – Please utilize APA style. Guarantee A+. Plagiarism free.

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Using the *^% Online Library, locate an article that discusses the topic of business ethics. Topic ideas might include the role of ethics in the workplace, breach of ethics, the effect of internal and external forces on ethical compliance, global ethical considerations within a business or ethics and employees.  Note these are ideas; please expand […]

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Bus cont plan&disaster recovery

  Tasks Based on the resume you submitted and role you selected for your team assignment, address the following items with your team’s the industry in mind.  In 5 sentence or less per item: industry: ride sharing company Explain who should form the membership of the disaster recovery team Describe the need for providing wide […]

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   Help With Water Treatment Essay Engineering homework help Locate an article on water treatment (Not Wastewater) and write a 1 page summary ( 12-point font, double spaced). the article can be from a newspaper, magazines, or professional paper (i.e. Union-Tribune, Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine, or Conference paper).  1) Your topic could be a […]

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 discuss what type(s) of new countermeasures should have been implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario. 

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Designing team and team identity

Using the Internet, each member of your team should read at least 3 academically reviewedarticles on designing Team and team identity . Summarize the articles in 300 words or more. Provide appropriate reference. peered reviews articles referenxes 300 words no plagarism

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Discussion to be Done by tomorrow 2pm EST

Explain how you would reduce potential vulnerabilities, protect against intrusion attempts, and better anticipate future threats.

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