
Module 1 Discussion Forum Discuss the unique marketing characteristics a product or service requires based on the specific phase of the product life cycle. 250 words  no plagarism turnitin report

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What sense(s) of awareness should you have when engaging in online video games and/or virtual world(s) to avoid being exploited for criminal purposes?

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I have a work due is after 10 hours from now if you can finish it by that text me otherwise don’t please.

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respond to this answer below

  Yes, we should be concerned by eating plants that are grown in poor environmental conditions. Much like humans, plants and vegetables are a product of their environment. Air pollution can damage crops in many ways depending on several factors like type crop, growth stage, soil, weather conditions and pollutant concentrations. Elevated Ozone levels is […]

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Homework help

   Chapter 13 1. Why international negotiation is more complex than domestic negotiation? Why communication skills are crucial in the arena of international business? What are different types of international negotiations? 2. What roles interpreters can play in the international negotiations? What skills are necessary in international negotiation and how one prepares for it? 3. […]

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  I previously worked in the furniture industry and we always had to make sure all the “warning labels” were on the new furniture before sending it to the warehouse. To be honest, I can’t remember what they all said, but I do remember one had to say “this product does not contain formaldehyde” which […]

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The writing that already wrote about the project is attached below (called: research proposal memo). To understand everything and the subject, you need to read the problem statement below(StatementA, StatementB, Question). The topic of this project is “whether or not and why to develop more environmentally “safe” in cities public transportation like electric-powered passenger rail […]

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DB – Digital Communication, Modulation & Modems

  write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Explain if PAM, PWM and PPM techniques are suitable for RF (Radio Frequency) signal communications. Include a few real-life applications of each technique. You may search the internet […]

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Weekly Study Plan Essay

In this assignment you need to write about your weekly study plan. one page. Good quality essay is required. One or one and half pages is enough. Good luck!!

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Research paper with (1000 words) & PPT slides 12

To What extent do Mobile Users impacted by using Public WiFi ? 1)I will need research paper on it . It should have Abstract, intro, body,conclusion and references . Need mention from which theory you have chosen it from. 2) I’ll need PPt slides on it in detail like effects. don’ts and does like that […]

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