public aministration ass 3

 Due Week 7 and worth 250 pointsRefer to the Scenario for Assignments 1, 2, 3, and 4Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Analyze at least two (2) laws or two (2) court decisions that have implications to the agency’s personnel management. (Title this section “Laws Affecting the Agency”) Evaluate the […]

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Compare and Contrast North Korea and Russia. What are their similarities and differences? How should the international world deal with these regimes? 

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Write an essay comparing and contrasting the Quincy 5 with the Central Park 5. How were the two cases similar? How were they different? What can we do in the future to avoid such mistakes?  In order to answer these questions you must watch the video on the Quincy 5 and either the series When […]

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Drug Abuse Discussion

Introduction The problem of prescription drug abuse and overdose is complex, involving insufficient oversight to curb inappropriate prescribing, insurance and pharmacy benefit policies, and a belief by many people that prescription drugs are not dangerous. However, more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities can be attributed to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs than to […]

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Write a 5 page research paper (not including the title page, reference page, or appendix, but all must be included) on “U. S. Army Noncommission Officer development

APA format: One inch margins 12 pt Times New Roman Double spaced throughout Two spaces after punctuation that ends sentences One space after all other punctuation Flush Left Running head (short title) not exceeding 50 characters 5 pages (not including the title page, reference page, or appendix) Written in active voice No personal pronouns (I, […]

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Who has the most influence on setting the policy agenda? Who sets the policy agenda as to what is the most important issues that Congress should be addressing?

1.)Who has the most influence on setting the policy agenda? Who sets the policy agenda as to what is the most important issues that Congress should be addressing? Is it interest groups, media, businesses, etc? Be sure to back up response with evidence as to why you reached that conclusion? 2.)Does the media has too […]

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For Ann Harris

 Graduates Level Type: Discussion Board Unit:  The Federal Government Due Date:  Tue, 8/21/18 Grading Type:Numeric Points Possible: 75 Deliverable Length:  400–600 words Assignment Description Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central). Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the […]

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Immigrant Paper 3.5 pages

Research available information/data on immigrants from any count in Michigan. Referencing the 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census for your county, describe what immigration related information you can discover. Questions to guide your inquiry: What is the change in immigrant population from the 2000 to 2010 Census? Has it increased or decreased? Is there information on […]

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This assignment is a take-home essay assignment to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. You may use any of the texts, readings from this course and outside material that is academic in nature.  1. Define and discuss the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTD) as it pertains to the theory of […]

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Policy Analysis

  Using a current 2012-2018,  homeland security(HSPD), presidential policy(PPD) or national security policy directive (NSPD), present a four- to six-page executive briefing presenting the legal basis for the policy. The format should comply with APA (6th) using the executive briefing template. Grades are based on the following: Identification of the legal basis for the policy Fully […]

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