
  Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) tells us that structuration, institutional, and actor-network are the 3 major theories associated with the application of eParticipation in activities. “These theories address how ways of doing things affect the way such things are done.”  Define one of the theories. Perform a Google search for your selected theory and […]

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CIS 500 Discussion Response

There are two discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150+words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response.     

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(Course Name) Operations Security

  At University of the Cumberland’s, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected […]

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Operations security Quizzes

Information Security systems – Operations security quizzes Due in 2 hrs. 

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supply chain management and various security services

in enterprise architecture of ALI BABA , explain how supply chain and various security services (like  monitoring/audit ,access control ,cryptography ,validation in 2 pages 

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 An important step in a dissertation is the theoretical basis that might help explain and shed light on why the problem is happening. For example, if we want to know how different groups responded to the implementation of a new teaching strategy in higher education, you might consider theories related to adult learning.  Discuss the […]

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unit 3 ip

 Create a 4–6-page MS Word document following APA guidelines (first person should not be used).  Write this document for a technical audience. Research the four primary concepts of object-oriented programming. For each concept, provide a description, benefits, disadvantages, examples where it would be used, and security-related issue(s).  1. Abstraction  2. Encapsulation  3. Inheritance  4. Polymorphism  […]

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Please find the attachment.  The answer should be 2 pages for all the 3 questions and at least 2 sources for the first question. 

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Discuss the relative merits of the three approaches for a new commercial product.

  There are three standardized approaches to digital signatures: RSAPSS, ECDSA, and the original DSA developed by NIST. One advantage of RSA-PSS is that RSA-based signature schemes are already widely used in commercial applications. One advantage of DSA is that it is the original scheme approved by NIST and is implemented in numerous packages, especially […]

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Information Systems

  The questions below are based on the following three case studies of information systems projects/initiatives – “Information Systems Use as Strategy Practice – A Multi-Dimensional View of Strategic Information System Implementation and Use,” (.pdf file), published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems   “Better Data Brings a Renewal at the Bank of England,” (.pdf […]

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