Answer 2 discussion questions (Business Law)

Question 1 : Alicia owns a flower shop. Alicia has an employee, Sarah, who she hires to work at the cash register and handle customer payments and orders. One day, unbeknownst to Alicia, Sarah takes and keeps $20 from the cash register. Has Sarah committed any crimes? Discuss all of the possible crimes and why. […]

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Cafeteria benefits for employees

You followed the instructions and directions in the Expository Guide, the Common Writing Style Problems Guide, and the Endnotes Guide. a minimum length of ten double-spaced pages of text, not counting the endnotes and the optional cover page?

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Unit 6 assignment

Use the fifteen articles from the literature review build to write a literature review. The exhaustive literature review will probably be 7-8 pages in length. It is to be uploaded on Bb as a Word Doc. All papers should be Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced, APA format, with a title and reference page. You […]

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Week 8

Discuss the following:  In today’s economy, there are a wide number of powerful companies who in all appearances control massive segments of different markets. Using the Strayer Legal Research database or the FTC website below, research and provide one case example within the last two years of a company engaging in anti-trust activity.  Why was the activity anti-competitive OR, […]

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legal help

   Case: Toys R Us v. Canarsie Kiddie Shop  Need a case analysis showing Analysis/Reasoning on above court case. One paragraph (no specific word count) on each below topic below, heading to be in bold, including references (APA) and plag. checked.  Case Analysis:  Parties [Identify the plaintiff and the   defendant] Facts [Summarize only those facts […]

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The value of fair treatment in the work place

LogoutJitta Banya LAW, ETHICS & CORP. GOVERNANCE WEEK 10 SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT Law, Ethics & Corp. Governance Course Home Announcements Week 1 LAW, Jitta  Assignment 3: The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace  Due Week 10 and worth 280 points You have been hired as a Management Consultant by a large company to examine the business […]

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SOC 205: Society, Law & Gov week 10 Discuss

Supreme Court Responsiveness to Public Opinion  ”  Please respond to the following: Take a position on whether or not you believe the Supreme Court is responsive to public opinion. Examine the extent to which public opinion should affect Supreme Court decisions. Support your response with at least three (3) examples of the perceived effects of […]

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Course work

complete work on website login to site and complete this weeks task  Discussion 1A This lesson is about contract law. Assume you are the General Manager of the Windy Hotel in Joplin, Missouri. There has been a terrible tornado which has shut down roads in and out of the City and all nearby airports are […]

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Discussion 3

  Discussion: Training and Authority Your superior shuts down an investigation that you’ve been building for some time. Another colleague is allowed to act with impunity on the street, and superiors ignore any requests for guidance on how to address working in that circumstance. Political pressure at the highest chain of command has resulted in […]

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250 word min two scholarly sources

Unit One discusses life experiences and college and career success.. Please include at least two scholarly sources. Your book can be one of your sources.  In at least 250 words and three distinctive paragraphs, respond to the following: What made you decide to pursue your degree? What are your concerns and hopes regarding being in this program? […]

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