Port Facility Safety and Emergency Management

Discussion Questions: Using resources and references from outside the classroom identify a technology that you believe will have an impact on the effectiveness of a response to a port centric emergency.  The emergency you chose and the technology you select are entirely up to you BUT there must be an acknowledged connection to a port, […]

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help with no copied work

  Technology is one of the major factors that has reshaped forensic science over the last few decades. What was once unimaginable has now become common place because of technology. Nowhere are these dramatic changes more evident than in forensic DNA analysis capabilities. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review the following: The […]

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Assignment 4

  Journal: What Would You Do? The Facts Change The two scenarios in the Discussions—and your reactions—unfolded in a certain way based upon instinct, experience, and training. Another factor was the available information. Now imagine that each scenario had different available information, as described below. Choose one set of changed information and respond to the […]

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Paper Topic. READ Instructions please. I will only accept A+ work. DUE TODAY

Cybercrime/Cyber terrorism research paper – conduct preliminary research to assist you in determining a prospective paper topic.  Each paper will be a minimum of 12 pages and formatted in APA style.  For this assignment – you should draft a two-paragraph overview of your proposed research paper topic. Be sure to include at least two potential […]

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Correctional systems unit 1 assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to understand correctional policy changes in one area affect not only the intended area, but many areas of the system That effectively changes the purpose of many components in the correctional system and how the system operates to achieve the goal of the system.Read Chapter 1 in the text […]

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case business law

A vehicle driven by Tabitha Antico collided with a truck owned by Sindt Trucking, Inc. Antico was killed in the accident. The personal representative of Antico brought a civil wrongful death action against Sindt Trucking. The company denied liability, alleging that Antico was either solely or partially at fault for the accident because she was […]

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Ground to rescind a contract.

Consider the following hypothetical: Ed contracted with Becky to build a house. Immediately prior to that meeting, Becky was so nervous that she drank an entire bottle of champagne and she does not remember all of the details of the meeting. Shortly before the closing, Ed met with Becky, accused her of fraud and threated […]

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Discuss the two major sources of crime statistics for the United States.

Discuss the two major sources of crime statistics for the United States.  Uniform Crime Report (UCR), National Crime Victim Survey (NCVS), and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), including but not limited to: the Part I and II offenses, UCR terminology, how the UCR and NCVS collect crime data, types of information collected and not […]

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argue that a manufacturer has a responsibility to lessen the risk of a harmful product In particular, you might want to…

argue that a manufacturer has a responsibility to lessen the risk of a harmful product In particular, you might want to search Google for information on either the McDonald’s Coffee Case or the case where an obese man sued a fast food restaurant.

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Research Paper- Budget Contraints- Tyroneprimez

  Research Paper: Budget Constraints   Background: Fiscal management is one of the most important policy decisions that a top prison administrator must deal with in the course of employment. Fiscal management is a combination of budgeting skills, political acumen, and operational experience and understanding. The fiscal environment is very dynamic and altered by monetary […]

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