Alexander The Great Expository Essay

  Alexander The Great Expository Essay  1. Outline 2. Essay  3. Complete Search Log 4. Sources from EBSCOHOST ONLY 5. MLA Format

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Paper 6/271

Part II Choose one of the following schools of Buddhism:   Theravada Buddhism Write an individual paper of 700  to 1,050 words that addresses the following questions: Summarize the history of Buddhism and the life of Buddha. Explain the basic teachings of Buddhism. Explain what makes the school of Buddhism you selected unique. Format citations and references consistent […]

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4-5 page Research paper

Hello, I have 10 sources that must be involved in the paper and they’re attached below. The outline of the paper goes as follows: Abstract (250 word summary), Introduction (What is the research problem?), Literature review, Methodology, and lastly the conclusion.  *APA writing style*  *Include subheadings* (Abstract, Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Conclusion) *Include in conclusion!* […]

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Fluid homework

  Hi all,    I have 6 homework problems in Fluid ..    the book name is ” Fundumentals of Machine componant desgin” 5ed    

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Seeking  complete competent, relevant college level writing and content that follows the instructions. using citations or references.

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Physics 1 home work

It’s online homework u don’t have to exbline the answer I just need the final answer 

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Summary 800 words

Need the book summary in 800 words due 10 hours  APA.

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consider a gas contained within a piston-cylinder assembly. Assume that the piston is at x=0 initially, at which the spring…

consider a gas contained within a piston-cylinder assembly. Assume that the piston is at x=0 initially, at which the spring exerts no force on the piston. The cylinder is then heated, transferring energy to the gas. The gas expands until the piston hit the stops at x=.05m. At that point, the heat source is removed. […]

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Who Are We / What Is Our Purpose

-due by april 9, 2018 -works cited page (textbook, 3 additional sources, and whatever else may need cited) -paper must relate to something in the book (eros, agape, happiness, love, moral s) whatever it may be just put a lot of information to support  -if possible use statistics -6 pages -likes ALOT of detail and/or […]

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Presentation PPT

 What was day to day life like for a Puritan? What laws did they follow? What was forbidden? Explain in a short presentation. Upload a PowerPoint or Open Office Impress presentation that contains at least ten slides, citations and a works cited slide. Remember presentations without a work cited slide will not be given credit. 

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