focus just see my posts

     in the last post I send u a good example that u can follow . Everything is solved just focust how to do the report aS it mentioned in the laST PSOT (good work). Even the graph is ready .just focus on the report

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Due, December 25

This assignment is to write a 5-6 page paper (not including title page and reference page) featuring the traditional music of a specific non-Western culture that is not covered in Chapter 8 of the course text. (Please note that the term “world music” in the context of this assignment refers to music that is not […]

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Physics report

the due is after 1 hour and half  please can anyone help me    write a 2-page report, single spaced, font 12 pts. Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins.  Your report should contain a discussion of how any aspect of what you learned in your visit(s) connects to any class material (Ch. 1 thru 14) covered.  […]

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Please Rewrite Attached paper. No word for word copying

Plagiarism results required. Text highlighted red are the footnotes and references.

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Physics Homework (College Intro)

Need assistance with physics assignment within the alloted time

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Week 5: Performing Literature

Performance Elements: Drama is different in many ways from other literary forms because it has major components that cannot be clearly experienced when it is read, but which instead can only be experienced when one watches a play performed. Discuss the setting of Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest and Shaw’s Pygmalion. What purpose do […]

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“The Value of Critical Thinking”  Please respond to the following: Give your opinion on whether being an effective critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Justify your response. Consider the following statement: “The major difference between a successful person and one that is not successful is that the successful person, over time, tends to […]

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Need Results and analysis for my Theory topic

Attached a document for my Thesis. Please read the thesis and add results sections as per template which is also attached in the document below. 

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Would the thickness of the rod affect the speed and frequency of the wave?    

Would the thickness of the rod affect the speed and frequency of the wave?    

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Who can answer this LITR221 for me?

 Week 3: Regionalism and Naturalism    Part One: Compose a paragraph that applies a Marxist reading to any of the stories from this week. Be sure to ask yourself ( and answer) the kinds of questions discussed in this week’s lecture.  Part Two: Which of the characters this week did you feel the most sympathy for? Who […]

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