A researcher wishes to estimate, with 95% confidence, the percentage of adults who support abolishing the penny …

   1. A researcher wishes to estimate, with 95% confidence, the percentage of adults who support abolishing the penny. His estimate must be accurate within 5% of the true proportion. Find the minimum sample size needed, using a prior study that found that 34% of the respondents said they support abolishing the penny. Round to […]

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Continue the Springdale Shopping Survey at the end of Chapter 9 in the Integrated Cases section in …

   Continue the Springdale Shopping Survey at the end of Chapter 9 in the Integrated Cases section in Introduction to Business Statistics. You will again need the dataset given in Module 1 labeled SHOPPING.Write a short report that includes an introduction, a conclusion paragraph and a body which answers fully the three questions posed in […]

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Prove the following: 1- if det(A)=0 , then AB is singular . …

    Prove the following: 1- if det(A)=0 , then AB is singular .  2- if A and B are invertible then AB is invertible . with (AB)^-1 = B^-1 A^-1 3- if A is invertible and B , C are inverses of A , the B=C .  4- if A is invertible then det […]

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Trying to fight drug resistant bacteria a researcher tries an experimental drug on infected subjects …

   26. Trying to fight drug resistant bacteria a researcher tries an experimental drug on infected subjects. Out of 70 monkeys 42 showed improvements 22 got worse and 6 showed no change. Is this researcher working in the right direction? Is there a significant effect of the drug on the infection? Use two tailed test […]

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A researcher would like to determine whether people really can tell the difference between bottled water and tap water …

   6. A researcher would like to determine whether people really can tell the difference between bottled water and tap water. Participants are asked to taste two unlabeled glasses of water one bottled and one tap and identify the one they thought tasted better. Out of 40 people in the sample 28 picked the bottled […]

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4. During the 2004 Olympic Games, Hill and Barton monitored contests in four combat sports …

   4. During the 2004 Olympic Games, Hill and Barton monitored contests in four combat sports: Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, boxing, and tae kwon do. Half of the competitors were assigned red outfits and half were assigned blue. The results indicate that participants wearing red won significantly more contests. Suppose that a sample of n=100 […]

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Since its removal from the banned substances list in 2004 by the World Anti-Doping Agency, caffeine has been …

   Since its removal from the banned substances list in 2004 by the World Anti-Doping Agency, caffeine has been used by athletes with the expectancy that it enhances their workout and performance. Many studies have been conducted to assess the effect of caffeine on athletes, but few look at the role ti plays in sedentary […]

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Let ƒ represent the position of an object with respect to time that is moving along a line. Identify when …

   A. Graph the function ƒ(x) = x^3 – 4x + 2. B. Find the domain and range of ƒ, showing all work or explaining your rationale. C. Find the derivative of ƒ, showing all work. D. Find the slope of the graph of ƒ at x = 0, showing all work. E. Let ƒ […]

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Shouldice Hospital – A Cut Above

   Shouldice Hospital – A Cut Above Shouldice Hospital in Canada is widely known for one thing-hernia repair! In fact, that is the only operation it performs, and it performs a great many of them. Over the pa t two decades this small 90-bed hospital has averaged 7,000 operations annually. Last year, it had a […]

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Given that the optimal solution of the following linear programming problem is x = 15 …

   Given that the optimal solution of the following linear programming problem is x = 15 and y = 10, State the problem in standard form and do a constraint analysis for the optimal solution.  Maximize z =  50x + 40y  Subject to  4x + 2y ≤ 80  3x + 5y ≥ 60  y ≤ […]

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