
   Prepare: Read Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the textbook, and watch the video, The House We Live In https://fod.infobase.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?Token=49736&aid=18596&Plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&ref= Reflect: The post-war era of the United States is often looked back on as a “Golden Era” yet this was also a period of tension, both at home and abroad. Consider the major events […]

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Discussion Post

   Robert Cialdini is one of the best-known researchers on the topic of persuasion. He also has a book out by that same title: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.   Summarize some of the key findings/conclusions made by Cialdini’s research. In what ways has his research been criticized? What are some ways in which persuasion […]

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Intro to Professional Counseling question…

Details: This is a three-part assignment. Specific directions for each of the three parts are outlined below. This assignment should be uploaded as ONE document that includes all three parts. A comprehensive reference page that lists the sources used in all three parts of the assignment should be included at the end of the document. […]

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Writing King ONLY Week 2 I/O Psych Assignment

Assignment  Choose five research articles in the field of IOP and prepare a brief annotated bibliography of these articles. Be sure to choose research articles published in peer-reviewed journals within the past five years.    Please note that the same rules for citation that apply to other documents (such as proper paraphrasing and the use […]

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Cultural Immersion Activity

350 WORDS MINIMUM   For multicultural immersion activities, student will immerse themselves into two different cultures other than their own. The approved immersion activities are listed (any other activities require instructor’s prior approval). I understand the challenges due to COVID and I am ok with virtual immersion activities. These activities will give you opportunities to learn […]

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WK 3 DQ 2

What is the self-validation hypothesis? What aspects about our thoughts, besides the valence and number of thoughts we have on a topic, influence whether or not we are persuaded by them? Provide an example.

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DB 7 – Sex and Gender

 You are expected to use the textbook as your first source and to cite in-text where you used the the text information. A complete reference list is expected at the end of each discussion. (Min-250 words)   In this activity, we will explore the difficult issue of sex and gender. Listen to an NPR interview […]

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This has 2 discussions; Please use APA format Discussion 1: APA format and at least 250 words  Please share an experience when you felt you were being really listened to and understood by another. How did you know you were being heard and understood? How did you feel during this experience?   How can you […]

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PSY discussion 5

MUST be 200-300 workds with at least one in text citation: After reading about the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and the subsequent adjustments ordered by the Supreme Court, consider how these changes impact an individual judge’s view of a “reasonable sentence.” Then, in a post to the discussion board, answer these questions:Describe how you […]

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Please select one case and post an analysis. A Pirandellian Prison Please go to the following weblink: Zimbardo, P. G., Haney, C., Banks, C., & Jaffe, D. (1973, April 8). A Pirandellian prison: The mind is a formidable jailer. New York Times Magazine,pp. 38-60. http://www.prisonexp.org/pdf/pirandellian.pdf Your assignment: 1. Briefly describe the problem (or research question),  procedure (participants, […]

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