Construction Materials Questions

1.   Which section of a contract contains guidelines that ensure fair practices?  A.  General conditions B.  Unit price clause C.  Project schedule D.  Specifications  2.   Which of the following parties involved in the construction of a building is responsible for maintaining up-to-date manufacturer’s safety data sheets (MSDS)?  A.  Contractor B.  Designer C.  Architect D.  Owner  3.   When choosing construction materials, choices based on each of the following promote sustainability as a building design factor except  A.  expense. B.  useful life span. C.  effect on energy consumption. D.  recycling ability.  4.   A stainless steel pipe measuring 120 feet in length is exposed to temperatures ranging from 30 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. By how many inches would you expect the pipe’s length to change as its temperature changes from one extreme to the other?  A.  0.75 B.  0.50 C.  0.25 D.  1.25  5.   Four equal-length beams, each made of a different type of metal, are exposed to a 10-degree F change in temperature. If each of the beams is made from one of the metals listed below, which would experience the greatest change in length?  A.  Wrought iron B.  Structural steel C.  Gray cast iron D.  Tungsten steel  6.   The change in the exterior dimensions of an object that results from the application of a force is known as  A.  deformation. B.  compression. C.  strain. D.  stress.  7.   What is the safety factor of a steel beam with an allowable stress of 30,000 psi and a failure stress of 45,000 psi?  A.  1.5 B.  0.15 C.  0.66 D.  6.6  8.   A rectangular metal bar is subjected to an external applied tensile load of 180,000 pounds. If this results in a calculated stress of 45,000 psi at failure, what are the bar’s cross-sectional dimensions?  A.  2 inches by 2 inches B.  1.5 inches by 2 inches C.  1.5 inches by 1.5 inches D.  1.5 inches by 2.5 inches  9.   A material that breaks with very little deformation is best described as  A.  brittle. B.  malleable. C.  ductile. D.  tensile.  10.   Repeated exposure to and release from stress over time can cause material failure to occur in a structure. This process is known as  A.  fatigue. B.  creep. C.  shock load. D.  shear modulus.  11.   _______ describes a material’s ability to maintain a new different shape after a changing force is removed.  A.  Plasticity B.  Elasticity C.  Conformability D.  Durability  12.   The lowest level of stress at which the increased strain on an object does not cause an increase in stress is called yield  A.  point. B.  stress. C.  value. D.  strain.  13.   A manufacturers’ association is an organization that seeks to increase the sales of a certain product through different strategies. The _______ would be an example of a manufacturers’ association.  A.  American Iron and Steel Institute B.  American Standards Association C.  American Product Association D.  American Institute of Steel Construction  14.   Which of the following is not considered an aggregate?  A.  Undisturbed soil B.  Gravel C.  Sand D.  Slag  15.   _______ rock is formed when small particles are deposited by natural causes and combined with cementing material.  A.  Sedimentary B.  Granular C.  Igneous D.  Metamorphic  16.   The type of rock mostly formed from the remains of sea creatures is called  A.  dolomite. B.  basalt. C.  gneiss. D.  shale.  17.   A wheel load force is spread over a rectangular area 24-inches-by-18-inches and results in a pressure of 2575 lbs per square foot. What is the weight of the wheel load force?  A.  7725 lbs B.  596 lbs C.  858 lbs D.  11,124 lbs  18.   A compactor with a five-foot drum is traveling at eight miles per hour over a one foot lift of aggregate base. If it makes five passes, the device will compact _______ cubic yards per hour.  A.  1565 B.  2026 C.  163 D.  130  19.   _______ measure is used to determine the volume of aggregates during the transportation process.  A.  Loose B.  Compacted C.  Bank D.  Transient  20.   To strengthen 2½ tons (5000 lbs) of aggregate using stabilization, how many pounds of salt must be added to the proper amount of water?  A.  100 lbs B.  50 lbs C.  25 lbs D.  10 lbs  21.   The type of filter that prevents particles from entering a well is a  A.  gravel pack. B.  sand filter. C.  gravel filter. D.  water filter.  22.   In sieve analysis, the percentage of the total larger than the sieve is the  A.  cumulative percent retained. B.  percent retained. C.  percent passing. D.  weight retained.  23.   A gradation in which most of the particles are either very large or very small is called  A.  skip graded. B.  size graded. C.  uniform graded. D.  well graded.  24.   A fine aggregate has a bulk-unit weight of 117.5 pcf and a specific gravity of 2.7. What is the approximate percentage of voids in this particular aggregate?  A.  30 B.  50 C.  70 D.  90  25.   _______ is the weight-to-volume description that defines an aggregate’s weight as solid matter and having enough water to fill its pores.  A.  Saturated surface dry weight B.  Saturated surface dry volume C.  Bulk volume D.  Wet weight  26.   An aggregate with a volume of .3727 cubic feet and a moisture content of 7.2 percent weighs 42.31 pounds. What is its dry density?  A.  105.89 pcf B.  66 pcf C.  113.52 pcf D.  157.66 pcf  27.   An aggregate has the following measured values: a SSD weight of 4670 g in air, a submerged weight of 2860, and an OD weight of 4550. What is the apparent-specific gravity of the aggregate?  A.  2.69 B.  2.58 C.  2.51 D.  0.026  28.   You’re building a sidewalk using Portland cement-concrete in a place that will have a mild exposure to weather. Because of these factors, the amount of chert allowed in the coarse aggregate must be _______ percent or less.  A.  5 B.  7 C.  3 D.  1  29.   The lightweight aggregate created from burning coal is called  A.  fly ash. B.  lignite. C.  slag. D.  diatomite.  30.   Which of the following aggregates would best increase heat insulation in concrete?  A.  Vermiculite B.  Diatomite C.  Lignite D.  Cinders 1. The total amount of alloys contained in high-strength, low-alloy steels is _______ percent.A. 3–4B. 1–2C. 4–5D. 2–32. A _______ test determines the relative amount of asphalt-cement present as strings or large globules.A. demulsibilityB. sieveC. settlementD. distillation3. The most frequently used type of welding process is a _______ weld.A. grooveB. plugC. buttD. fillet4. To build a 12-foot-by-20-foot parking area designed to be 2 inches thick, how many tons of asphaltconcrete would the rule-of-thumb estimating method require?A. 22B. 45C. 3D. 4.55. The welding method that protects metal from atmospheric damage by using a welding rod coated withflux is known as the _______ method.A. gas metal-arcB. flux-coated arcC. submerged-arcD. shielded metal-arc6. Before starting the overlaying process, older pavements with small cracks should be treated with aA. wax seal.B. fog seal.C. leveling seal.D. tar seal.7. Which of the following ferrous metals typically has the highest percentage of phosphorus in itscomposition?A. Wrought ironB. White cast ironC. Gray cast ironD. Malleable cast iron8. Low viscosity can cause an asphalt surface to become compacted. This problem can be corrected byA. increasing the temperature and using a light roller.B. decreasing the temperature and using a light roller.C. decreasing the temperature and using a heavy roller.D. increasing the temperature and using a heavy roller.9. If you were building pavement over an average clay loam soil to make a parking lot for heavy trucks, thepavement must be _______ inches thick.A. five to sixB. two to fourC. four to sixD. six to eight10. Which Superpave binder test measures strain and fracture strength at the point of failure?A. MSCRB. BBRC. DTTD. COC11. Adding ______ will remove excess sulfur from iron ore.A. phosphorusB. manganeseC. siliconD. carbon12. When an asphalt load appears to be flat, this indicates a mixA. is too hot.B. has too little asphalt.C. has too much asphalt.D. is too cold.13. The process of heating steel to a temperature slightly lower than 1500 degrees F and then using afurnace to slowly reduce its temperature several hundred degrees is calledA. annealing.B. tempering.C. quenching.D. normalizing.14. A large rectangular paving project has planned dimensions of 200 by 300 feet. Also, the projectrequires 6 inches of pavement thickness if the unit weight of the product is equal to 145 lbs per cubic foot.Using this information, how many tons of asphalt concrete will be needed?A. 2250B. 1087.5C. 1125D. 217515. What is the compaction percentage of an asphalt concrete mix where the density of the field core is145.3 and the density in laboratory tests was 150.2?A. 96.6B. 97.6C. 97.7D. 96.716. A No. 6 rebar is subjected to a tensile load of 12,500 lbs. What is the total stress in the rebar?A. 28,345 psiB. 7078 psiC. 20,799 psiD. 14,286 psi17. Which of the following Superpave binder grades does not require modification of the asphalt binder?A. PG 72-22B. PG 64-32C. PG 62-32D. PG 64-2218. Which of the following is an acceptable air-void percentage of a hot-mix asphalt mixture (HMA)?A. 4.2B. 2.4C. 2.6D. 6.219. When building in areas where resistance to corrosion is necessary, it’s better to useA. pig iron.End of examB. white cast iron.C. wrought iron.D. gray cast iron.20. Which of the following ferrous metals typically has the lowest percentage of carbon in its composition?A. SteelB. Temporary cast ironC. Pig ironD. Firm cast ironQuestions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a pagebreak, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.1. Each of the following elements are used to make cement exceptA. silica.B. iron.C. lime.D. phosphate.2. Clay, limestone, and sand are raw material sources used in the production ofA. alumina.B. calcium.C. silica.D. sulfate.3. A standard 6 × 12 inch concrete specimen has a calculated splitting tensile strength of 398 psi. Themaximum load allowable for this specimen would beA. 4500 lbs.B. 45,000 lbs.C. 9000 lbs.D. 90,000 lbs.4. A concrete mix has a unit weight of 146.2 and batch weights composed of the following substances: 625lbs of water, 1150 lbs of cement, 5400 lbs of C/A, and 3235 of lbs F/A. Using this information, what is theyield of the concrete mix?A. 71.20 cubic yardsB. 2.64 cubic yardsC. 26.4 cubic yardsD. 38.5 cubic yards5. What is the required mixing time for 10 cubic yards of concrete when using a stationary mixer for a jobsuch as building a dam?A. 2 minutes 15 secondsB. 4 minutes 15 secondsC. 1 minute 15 secondsD. 3 minutes 15 seconds6. A dusting floor on a flat concrete slab is often caused byA. low cement content.B. carbon dioxide.C. high cement content.D. insufficient water.7. A six-inch-diameter concrete cylinder fails at a load of 95,000 lbs. What is the calculated compressivestrength?A. 23.17 psiB. 23.17 MPaC. 3360 MPaD. 336 psi8. When building a cold-weather sidewalk that will be exposed to salts and chemicals used for ice removal,the preferred type of Portland cement isA. ASTM C 150 Type I.B. ASTM C 175 Type II.C. ASTM C 150 Type III.D. ASTM C175 Type I.9. The concrete producer for a construction project has a standard deviation of 575 psi and a mean of3550. The control level for this coefficient of variation would be described asA. poor.B. excellent.C. good.D. fair.10. _______ is the chemical compound that hardens slowly and adds strength later during the curingprocess of concrete.A. Tricalcium silicateB. Dicalcium silicateC. Tricalcium aluminateD. Tetracalcium aluminate11. The transportation of concrete to the job site will normally result in a(n)A. slight increase in air content.B. negligible effect on the air content.C. air loss of 1–2%.D. air loss of 2–3%.12. Concrete consists of 20 to 40 percent of a material called paste, which is created by mixingA. sand, cement and water.B. sand, stone, and water.C. water and cement.D. water and sand.13. Concrete applied to a surface using high-velocity compressed air is known asA. slurry.B. air-entrained.C. oxyconcrete.D. shortcrete.14. All the following common materials may have harmful effects on hardened and unprotected concreteexceptA. milk.B. oxalic acid.C. iron sulfate.D. calcium chloride.15. A concrete mix has a yield of 120 cubic feet and contains the following batch weights: 1520 lbs ofwater, 2500 lbs of cement, 8120 lbs of C/A, and 5900 lbs of F/A. Using this information, what is the unitweight of the concrete mix?A. 55.6 lbs/cubic yardB. 150.3 lb/cubic yardC. 55.6 lbs/cubic ftD. 150.3 lb/cubic ft16. The concrete mix ratio is 5.8 water to 4.5 concrete. If you were to change the ratio to 5.6 water to 4.5concrete, the strength at 28 days will beA. increased by 100 psi.B. increased by 400 psi.C. decreased by 200 psi.D. unaffected.17. Common guidelines for placing contraction joints in a concrete slab would require spacing for a 4-inchthickslab to be done at _______-foot intervals.A. 10B. 8C. 6D. 1218. A 10-foot-square decorative flag pole area requires the construction of a 9-inch-thick nonreinforcedconcreteslab. What is the maximum aggregate size that can be used in the mix?A. 1 inchB. 3 inchEnd of examC. 2 inchD. Any workable size aggregate can be used.19. During the placement process, concrete should typically not be placed at temperatures exceedingA. 85 degrees F.B. 90 degrees F.C. 80 degrees F.D. 75 degrees F.20. When the air content of concreteA. increases, its strength increases.B. changes, there’s little change in durability or strength.C. decreases, its durability increases.D. decreases, its durability decreases.1. _______ stress is induced by longitudinal pressure.A. Tension parallel to grainB. Compression parallel to grainC. Compression perpendicular to grainD. Horizontal shear2. Rift-cut hardwood lumber is known asA. flat grain.B. plain sawed.C. quarter sawed.D. edge grain.3. Which of the following materials has the greatest R-value per inch?A. PerliteB. VermiculiteC. WoodD. Mortar4. When grading wood, an unevenness between springwood and summerwood on the surface of dressedlumber would be classified asA. torn grain.B. splits.C. skips.D. raised grain.5. To which classification of tree species does the Western Red Cedar belong?A. Group 1B. Group 2C. Group 4D. Group 36. Two boards have the following measurements: ¾ inches thick by 6 inches wide by 12 feet long. Usingthis information, how many total board feet are contained in the two boards?A. 108B. 12C. 144D. 97. The most common preservation treatment for pressure-treated wood isA. creosote.B. chromated copper arsenate.C. ammonium copper quaternary.D. copper napthenate.8. _______ would be an allowable span distance for a #2 Spruce-Pine-Fir 2 × 6 ceiling joist placed 24inches on center.A. 10′ 4″B. 12′ 8″C. 11′ 11″D. 9′ 8″9. The _______ method is the most common type of brick-forming method.A. wet-pressB. dry-pressC. stiff-mudD. soft-mud10. You’re constructing an 8-foot-high-by-24-foot-long wall with a 3-foot-by-3-foot window opening using8-inch-by-8-inch-by-16-inch CMUs. How much mortar would be required to build this wall?A. 13.7 cubic feetB. 15.45 cubic feetC. 16.25 cubic feetD. 20.6 cubic feet11. Aggregates used in the production of CMUs are typically _______ of an inch or smaller.A. 3/4B. 5/8C. 3//8D. 1/212. A piece of lumber measuring six-inches-by-seven-inches would be graded as aA. post.B. dimension lumber.C. beam.D. stringer.13. You’re trying to construct a 9-foot-high wall that’s 64 feet long and has two 4-foot-by-4 foot windowopenings. For this project, how many 8-by-8-by-16 inch CMUs would you need?A. 612B. 540C. 630D. 57114. The most common load on the wood of a nailed joint is aA. lateral load in end grain.B. withdrawal from side grain.C. withdrawal from end grain.D. lateral load in side grain.15. All of the following wood-destroying pests damage lumber by eating it exceptA. marine borers.B. subterranean termites.C. carpenter ants.D. nonsubterranean termites.16. The strength of a steam cured CMU block is _______ that of a moist cured block.A. more than doubleB. the same asC. slightly less thanD. significantly less than17. The following condition has a White fir stud grade of 2 × 6 and repetitive framing with a 10-yearnormal load. Using this information, the allowable fb value is _______ psi.A. 854B. 776C. 697D. 76818. Retempering a mortar mix willA. increase the compressive strength and decrease the bond strength.B. increase the compressive strength and increase the bond strength.C. reduce the compressive strength and increase the bond strength.D. reduce the compressive strength and decrease the bond strength.19. The layer of the tree that contains the most resins and gums is theA. hardwood.End of examB. heartwood.C. cambium.D. sapwood.20. Which of the following tree species has the greatest modulus of elasticity?A. Standard-grade Western LarchB. Construction-grade Douglas Fir SouthC. No.1 grade Western HemlockD. No. 1 grade Spruce-Pine-Fir

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