Essay/Presentation Assignment for Dr. Smith Harvey
Hello,I’m in urgent need of this assignment by this coming tuesday latest. It’s suppose to be a 3 page double spaced essay and a 5 slide powerpoint presentation covering all the important points from the essay which I can then present in class in less than 5 minutes. Please keep the terminology and wording to a simple college english level. This is a group project and the topic for my group is the neighbourhood “Leslieville” in Toronto. I’m suppose to write a little bit about the neighbourhood (Task is detailed in Instruction PDF file) and specifically a story that has happened in the neighbourhood. The story that I’m tasked to do is “Alternate plan to Walmart” I will provide the link below and if you need more information you can do some googling and find more to the Walmart Story. Include any links you use in the end in APA format.NOTE: Please Read the “Components of the Story” Section inside the Instructions PDF file which I have attached to understand the task. Also Please provide me with a Turnitin report if possible. Thank you.Link to Walmart Story:,GeneralKats