for homework pro
follow these instructions:
Describe the vocal and instrumental performance and the lyrics, paying special attention to:
a) The instruments that stand out and any solo instrumental parts.
b) Technique used in strumming, plucking, bowing, etc.
c) Vocal production: breath control and vowel placement in singing technique; use of chest
voice or falsete.
d) Singing style: phrasing.
e) Lyrics (Refer to the reader for translations.): Do the lyrics convey any message? Is
there any imagery used? What is the tone of the lyrics? Defiant? Tender? Remorseful?
Passionate? Detached? Lyrically, is this a happy, sad, introspective, or superficial piece?
f) List the following at the beginning of each review:
1. Title of the selection and genre: son jarocho, son de mariachi, huapango, corrido, etc.
2. Name of the composer (if known).
3. Name of the vocalist or ensemble.