Interview a person in a leadership position in an organization, sports club, educational setting, non-profit organization, church group or other situation, to get their perceptions of leadership. NOTE: RELATIVES AND CLOSE FRIENDS ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR T
February 19th, 2023
Interview a person in a leadership position in an organization, sports club, educational setting, non-profit organization, church group or other situation, to get their perceptions of leadership. NOTE: RELATIVES AND CLOSE FRIENDS ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT—NO FELLOW MEMBERS OF FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES. THESE WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED FOR PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS IN ORGANIZATION SETTINGS AND WE ARE APPLYING THE SAME RULE FOR THIS CLASS.3 pages Include the following insight from your interview:How they view leadershipA tough situation or situations that they have dealt withTheir style of leadership—with an example of itBest advice for you in becoming a good leader