ldrs432 Building Leaders II
September 30th, 2022
I. Read: Chapters 1-3 “Designing Your Life:”
Answer the following questions:
1. In chapter 1 of the text the author stresses that: “You can’t know where you are going until you know where you are”.
- What does this mean?
- Why is the author drawing us to this issue?
- What role does this perspective play in the design of a person’s life-path as it pertains to his/her career?
2. According to the author the two elements a person requires to build their COMPASS are Workview and a Lifeview.
- What is Workview?
- What is a Lifeview?
- What is a Compass?
- Explain what makes these two elements essential to the building of a person’s COMPASS?
- Read the instructions and complete the 12 pg survey.
- Submit in the dropbox provided page #9 of your completed survey. Only page #9 is to be submitted in the dropbox.
- PLEASE write or type your NAME and STUDENT # on your submission.
III. Download the “WHO ARE WE” document
- Complete and submit to the provided Dropbox.