Local News, Local Media Coverage
Hello,I need the following paper completed in APA style including title page and reference page:Each bullet must be its own bolded subtopic heading within the paper.I need this paper completed by Sunday, April 9, 2017 by NO LATER THAN 6:00pm US Central Standard Time.Here is the assignment instructions.Locate a state or local news (Internet) report about a press or information release from the State of Nebraska.Write a 1300-word paper (No More than 1350 words in the body of the paper) that completes the following:Explain the speed or timing of the release and dissemination of the press release.Explain the role of the media in the dissemination of the press release.Describe key interest groups and their agendas in relation to the press release.Identify if the press release was informative, persuasive, or a combination, and explain how this may affect agenda or setting.Identify the main points and subpoints of the press release.Outline venues for delivery of the press release and evaluate the effect of the media in agenda setting and public opinion.Identify the pros and cons of public relations overall.Remember, answering all these bullets must be from the same state or local news report (Internet) report about a press or information release from the State of NebraskaFormat your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Thank you!