Kurose and Ross define the Internet network management framework as consisting of three major parts: MIB, SMI, SNMP. To what extent do you believe this constitutes a framework? Are additional parts needed? Why isn’t ASN.1 considered part of the framework? NO double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA citation method (citation should be relevant and current). Page-length requirements:1-2 pages (graduate courses). Make sure you cite if you take a piece of someone’s work, very important and your reference should relate to your writing (don’t cite a reference because it relates to the course and not this very paper) at least 4 current and relevant academic references. No heavy paraphrasing of others work.please communicate for any clarifications and please read instructions and follow them. Some tutors don’t pay attention to instructions at all. Very importantI am not doing try and error here so please do not send a hand shake if you have no ideas or experience with research.