operation research paper
for each paper, please write a 1-2 page review. The review should discuss the goals of the paper, software design, objective of the project, formulation of the problem, and results of the project.1. L. Douglas Smith, Canser Bilir, Vega W. Huang, Kuo-yao Hung, and Mark Kaplan. Citibank Models Credit Risk on Hybrid Mortgage Loans in Taiwan, Interfaces, May-June 2005; 35: 215 – 229. 2. Tom Duffy, Manos Hatzakis, Wenyue Hsu, Russ Labe, Bonnie Liao, Xiangdong (Sheldon) Luo, Je Oh, Adeesh Setya, and Lihua Yang. Merrill Lynch Improves Liquidity Risk Management for Revolving Credit Lines, Interfaces, September-October 2005; 35: 353 – 369. 3. Rohit Tandon, Arnab Chakraborty, Girish Srinivasan, Manav Shroff,Ahmar Abdullah, Bharathan Shamasundar, Ritwik Sinha, Suresh Subramanian, Dave Hill, Prasanna Dhore. Hewlett Packard: Delivering Profitable Growth for HPDirect.com Using Operations Research, Interfaces, 2013, 43 (1), pp. 48–61. INTERFACES ARE ATTACHED, KINDLY READ THEM AND FOLLOW THE EXACT INSTRUCTIONS