Personal Code

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The purpose of this assignment is for you to write your own Personal Code of Ethics (PCE) on the various issues covered in this course. Beginning in Module/Week 2, you will write a section of the code of ethics each module/week and submit it to your instructor for evaluation. Each section must be at least 250 words. The instructor will assess what you have written and make suggestions for clarification or improvement if necessary. Once you have received a section back, you will have the opportunity to revise it based on the instructor’s input. At the end of the course, you will submit the entire project for a final grade. The Final Submission must be at least 1,500 words. All parts of your Personal Code ———————-of Ethics must follow current Turabian format.————————–

PLEASE NOTE: While this is your own code of ethics, it should be written in a formal, academic and objective style. You should avoid all personal stories or references. Also, avoid being casual in style. Think of this as an official document. You might Google codes of ethics to get an idea of the style and manner I am looking for.

You are free and encouraged to refer to sources to support your view, including Scripture. However, you must write your Personal Code of Ethics in your own words. Do not just copy what you have read elsewhere. This is your code; make it your own. NOTE: Please do not quote or cite any sources in you PCE except scripture if you choose to do so (scripture is not required). Obviously your code of ethics is going to be influenced by what you have read in this course, but please do not cite it (and certainly do not plagiarize it by stating it word for word). You do not need to include any lengthy reasoning for your view unless you deem it necessary, since the code is simply a statement and brief explanation of the view you hold. However, a brief explanation of your reasoning might be necessary if your code reflects a position contrary to that promoted in class. Refer to the presentation “A Christian Manifesto” in the Module/Week 2 Reading & Study folder as as a model of the style and manner you should write in. . Your Personal Code of Ethics will include the 6 sections below and the final complete submission:

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PCE – Preamble

I believe that ethics are integral to positive personality development, which presents a robust approach in maintaining an understanding of values and principles that shape my development. As a Christian, most of my beliefs and values are developed based on religious doctrine and knowledge of the word of God. My personal growth is defined based on a highly integrated system that improves my engagement across different systems.

Ethical theory 

Virtue ethics is the ethical theory that presents a strong focus on my understanding of different aspects of personal development. Virtue ethics is defined based on mind, character and sense of honesty. The integration of these concepts presents an all-round personality where it is easy to understand what is right and wrong through an infusion of religious doctrines and personal understanding of better decisions that help promote a successful development level.

Values and principles 

The significant benefits that form the foundation of my leadership philosophy include trust, honesty, commitment, and selflessness. Each of these values plays an integral role in implementing a highly successful system for the better change process. Improving the overall focus on the need to promote positive behavior on the wellbeing of different individuals helps create a more specific system that helps maintain a secure change process. The fear of God is the foundation of spiritual and personal greatness.

A statement about the value and limitations of medicine and medical care.

Medicine is integral to improve healthcare and individual wellbeing. Different individuals have varied beliefs that predict their level of development and commitment to medical care. Medical care is supposed to be practiced following strong personal religious beliefs.

A statement about the nature, purpose, and treatment of suffering

Suffering is a result of sin and a wrong decision that individuals undertake. Different settings have different values, principles, and regulations. Complying to this code of conduct across different settings limit suffering.

PCE – Beginning of life

Question 1

Life begins at conception, which is a vital aspect that should be considered in determining human development. Making better choices during child development begin with engaging the mother and ensuring that they subscribe to better issues that promote a sense of being. Consideration of fetus as human means that there is a greater understanding of important element that help emphasize the need to respect humanity. The time when life begins has been a major issue within the society, considering that different individuals argue differently with major emphasis being on abortion. However, life starts in a mother’s womb, which must be adequately assessed to improve fetal development (Dale, 2018).

Moral status, in this case, presents an understanding of the need to embrace positive behaviour. It is vital to protect life and ensure that the development process is not compromised. I believe in fetal viability, and thus it is essential to protect individual development which presents a more organized and overall commitment to improved outcomes in fetal development (Schopf, 2019). Acquiring moral status in fetal development is defined differently. An essential factor that needs to be assessed in this case is an expert assertion on the moral status of a fetus. According to opponents of abortion, a fetus gains moral status after it has been determined that they can survive outside the womb. However, this statement has not fully taken into consideration that life begins at inception. 

The ability of the fetus surviving outside the womb is based on external factors which vary across different settings. This makes it difficult to conclude on the moral status of the fetus. Therefore fetal development presents a more effective and transparent emphasis on better processes which define fetal development. As the fetus continues to grow, their moral status keeps growing, which offer a highly effective on the need to understand and manage life because it is precious since conception.

Question 2 

Human person encompasses different aspects which provide a detailed understanding of better processes which help identify significant changes that help in maintaining a highly successful focus on human development. Human social order is explained based on specific elements that define better change processes. The two constructs that help explain individual development involve existential and relational construct. Being a human person is an important aspect which focuses on transforming human development based on different concepts. Implementing positive change help guide and build a strong relationship that shapes personal development (Stroe, Knap & Stroe, 2018).

There are different factors that help in promoting a strong consideration of individual attributes which include reason, morality, self-consciousness or consciousness as well as being within a culturally established form of social relations. These elements help maintain a more significant commitment to better processes which help keep a strong commitment to the need for self-identity and overall consideration of improved understanding of human wellbeing. 

Question 3

Abortion is an issue that has been assessed over the years with a clear emphasis on better changes which help maintain a stronger consideration of better changes which help promote a successful determination of improved outcomes. Abortion should not be allowed mainly as a result of the moral status of the fetus. Abortion violates the individual right to life. The right to life is a fundamental right that is enjoyed by all individuals across the world. No individual has a right to cut short the power of another individual regardless of the current issue. The life of any individual must be protected regardless of the underlying difficulties. The unborn child has the right not to be killed as well as the right to be provided with everything that can ensure that their life is protected. The decision to conduct abortion is against the principles of growth and consideration of life as sacred (Schopf, 2019). 

Question 4

A significant exception that should be considered in this case should be when the life of the mother is compromised. The life of the fetus is essential and thus present a more transparent and practical understanding of the wellbeing of the mother. When the life of the mother is in danger. In this case, it is essential to prioritize the mother and ensure that they are protected while allowing for abortion to be conducted. Abortion can also be allowed when a physician advises that abortion is the best decision to protect the health of the mother (McHaffie, 2018).

The emphasis on restoring life should be given precedence than a decision to abort. There are significant issues regarding the right to abortion from a legal and ethical perspective. From a legal perspective, everyone has a right to live their life as they please, although this does not involve infringing the rights of others. Performing an abortion without any serious medical concern is an infringement to the rights of the unborn baby.

Question 5

There is a need to protect children regardless of what their future held. Improving individual development and overall understanding of these changes present a highly successful context where it would be possible to manage improved outcomes. Advocating for the killing of newborns offer an entirely different perspective in understanding humanity. The decision that is undertaken focuses on promoting improved behaviour and development of better processes that help in maintaining a strong focus on humanity. Stereotypes should not guide human conduct.

PCE: End of Life

The scientific definition of death is that the brain and other vital organs of a person cease to function and it becomes impossible to reverse the functioning. The two main methods for determining the death of a person are to check whether the pulse of the patient has stopped or to check whether the person is breathing or not. Either of the two methods can be used to determine the death of a person. 

The purpose of euthanasia is to relieve a person of pain through bringing death. There is a clear distinction between active euthanasia and passive euthanasia. In passive euthanasia, the patient is not given any medical care to bring an early death. Oppositely, patients are assisted through drugs to bring an early death. Many people feel very thirsty at the time of death. It is very important to serve water to the dying person. Dying persons are usually unable to drink water from a glass. The person could be served water using a spoon. I think that it is immortal to commit suicide and it is even more immoral to help a person in committing suicide. 

A person who is on the verge of death needs emotional support from the family members. All family members should try to spend maximum time with the person who is near death. Friends should also be there along with the family. They can show emotional support to the dying person by holding hands. The majority of the people become very religious when they feel that their life is soon going to end. It is very important to provide a religious environment for the person who is at the end of life. For example, the bible can be recited in front of the person. This gives peace of mind to the person.

PCE – Procreative Technology

A statement concerning a general view of procreative technology in light of the moral objections often raised.

Procreative technology empowers women to take control of their reproductive potential. It involves practices that are considered immoral in almost all the major religions of the world. Procreative technology is very useful for women who have infertility problems. The use of this technology increases the chance of a woman to get pregnant. The main objection raised against this technology is its application in birth control. The moral objection against contraception techniques is that it might lead to embryo disposal.

An affirmation of the moral safeguards necessary to limit technology (what standards or limitations are necessary)

Many standards and limitations are necessary to limit the use of this technology. Strict limitations are required to prevent the misuse of this technology. The limit can be placed that a pregnant woman can only opt for abortion before a certain number of months. The standard for doctors and nursing staff should be set to choose a fertility-centric approach instead of a fertility-control approach for birth control. It must be ensured that the use of technology leaves no side effects on the reproductive ability of women using technology.

Your position on birth control in general and the particular methods you consider acceptable and unacceptable.

There are a lot of methods of birth control. In my opinion, the most acceptable method for birth control is the use of condoms. It not only ensure birth control but it also provides protection against dangerous STDs like HIV and AIDS. Another method for birth control is the use of birth control injections. These are very effective in birth control and it has minimum side effects. Non-technical methods like pulling out method are very natural. Pull out method is not very effective. Contraception pills are not accepted in almost all major religions. The method I consider to be totally unacceptable is abortion. I find it very immoral and I think it is equal to killing a baby. That’s why I consider it to be unacceptable.

Your view on artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and surrogacy parenting.

I think that artificial insemination is an acceptable method because it does not involve any immoral practice. It just does not involve sexual intercourse. I have mixed views about Vitro fertilization. I think that surrogate parenting is like hiring a mother on rent. It is very painful for a woman to hand over her baby to another person.

PEC-Genetic Ethics

Personal development is defined by my ability to adapt to different issues that help in maintaining a more influential change development platform. I believe that maintaining a high level of integrity, trustworthiness, respect, and honesty will improve my commitment both within the personal and professional commitment. Understanding others is a crucial aspect of improving the level of interaction. Fostering positive relations with individuals across different settings provides an improved platform that helps create a highly integrated focus on personal development. Embracing diversity is a fundamental principle that defines relations with other individuals from different cultural settings. The level of commitment presents a well-organized system that maintains a more exceptional platform for change and empowerment.

My ultimate goal is to be an all-round individual who interacts with individuals from different regions without significant challenges. Building a good rapport with others is the foundation of success since every other activity is undertaken both in professional and personal development involves interaction with others.

A general statement about the values and limitations of genetic intervention

Genetic intervention should focus on solving the existing medical challenges and not to create a situation where individuals use it for non-medical reasons. Every individual is created in an image of God; hence genetic intervention should only be utilized in controlling severe genetic deformity.

View concerning genetic screening and possible ethical problems

Controlling genetic deformity involves a severe medical condition that can be prevented is there is an intervention. Therefore genetic screening presents a different approach to the current treatment interventions, although it should be adopted in helping control negative traits. The ethical issues involved in this case revolve around religious principles, which emphasize the fact that the reproductive process should not be changed using scientific methods even if the procedure undertaken is likely to improve on an individual life.

View concerning cell therapy 

Cell therapy is a controversial issue, although there is a need to identify the context within which this intervention is undertaken. A physician should be involved in providing a review on whether cell therapy is necessary based on the underlying complications. Every individual has a right to health. This should inform any decision that is undertaken.

Views on genetic enhancement and eugenics, both positive and negative

Genetic improvement is against the principles of reproduction, which is against the significant religious beliefs that are defined. It is crucial to assess the different underlying situations that need to be undertaken to help in promoting a more influential platform where better healthcare decisions can be made.


Chu, G. Y., Chen, Y. F., Chen, H. Y., Chan, M. H., Gau, C. S., & Weng, S. M. (2018). Stem cell therapy on skin: mechanisms, recent advances and drug reviewing issues. Journal of food and drug analysis, 26(1), 14-20.

Volarevic, V., Markovic, B. S., Gazdic, M., Volarevic, A., Jovicic, N., Arsenijevic, N., … & Stojkovic, M. (2018). Ethical and safety issues of stem cell-based therapy. International journal of medical sciences, 15(1), 36.

PEC-Clinical Ethics

Maintaining a significant focus on the needs of others plays a vital role in creating an interactive environment where it is possible to make informed decisions. Respect for others and maintaining a high level of integrity are essential in my code of ethics.

Clinical ethics

Informed consent 

Informed consent is an agreement to undertake a specific activity based on certain guidelines that have been developed. It is important to seek consent when carrying out a medical procedure because a patient has a right to consent or object based on the explanation of the procedure and how they are likely to be affected based on the decision they make. A patient has a right to refuse consent when they feel the procedure will compromise their health or beliefs.

View on paternalism 

Paternalism is a decision undertaken that limits another individual liberty or autonomy. Healthcare providers have a right to provide accurate information to their patients and allow patients to decide for themselves when they are in the capacity to do so. However, paternalism might be necessary for a situation where the patient cannot consent, and a healthcare provider believes that paternalism will help improve patient health and wellbeing.

View on deception 

Healthcare providers should always focus on providing honest responses to their patients regardless of how hard the information is for the patients to take. However, there is a need for healthcare workers to prepare patients for any eventuality so that there is no major negative influence on any medical information that is being shared.

View on confidentiality 

Confidentiality is a major issue in healthcare. The protection of patient information is a vital aspect of healthcare and should be taken seriously by all healthcare providers. Sharing patient information is unethical as well as illegal.

View on solving a healthcare conflict

Healthcare conflict should be resolved positively without much drama considering the sensitive nature of the healthcare service industry. Any issue within healthcare should be addressed without compromising the quality and safety of patients. A negative perception of the ability to provide quality healthcare has created a different approach within which it is possible to help in maintaining a better platform for change and overall decision making in healthcare. 


Larsen, K. N., Kristensen, S. R., & Søgaard, R. (2018). Autonomy to health care professionals as a vehicle for value-based health care? Results of a quasi-experiment in hospital governance. Social Science & Medicine, 196, 37-46.

Maurer, M., Mangrum, R., Carman, K. L., Ginsburg, M., Gold, M. R., Sofaer, S., … & Siegel, J. (2017). Setting boundaries: public views on limiting patient and physician autonomy in health care decisions. Journal of health politics, policy, and law, 42(4), 579-605.

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