Visual BASIC Beginning Piecework A, B and C
Teacher is very picky, programs must have these things Piecework APiecework is paid by the piece; workers who produce a greater quantity are paid at a higher rate. Use textboxes to accept input, ensuring data validation; calculate amount earned and required summary data. Ensure the user can clear the input areas and also clear all data to start over. Confirm the user’s intent when selecting Clear All. Summary totals should not calculate or display when failing data validation or starting over from Clear All – disable SummaryTeacher is very picky, must have these things 4 different payrates – Add all the options to the menu – Keep the buttons, dropping cents in summaryPiecework BModify Piecework A to replace some buttons with menus and add afunction procedure. Be sure to retain your Piecework A program in case youneed it later. Menu bar sample with hotkeys or keyboard shortcuts. Changethe Summary data to display in a message box and not on the main form.Color & Font items should change the color and the font of the informationdisplayed in the amount earned display. Use a message box to display program name and your name forthe About option. Write a function procedure to find pay rate and return a value to the proper eventprocedure.Piecework CModify Piecework B to a multi-form project, adding a Splash form and a Summary form. Be sure toretain your Piecework B program as you will need it later. Add a slogan and logo that the user candisplay or hide independently, based on toggling anddisplaying a checkmark in the menu choices; programshould start with slogan and logo being displayed and themenu items checked. Add program version number, agraphic, and an OK button to About box; About box shoulddisplay as modal. Splash should display project name,programmer name, and a graphic. Change the Summarydata from a message box to its own form (also modal).