How to Teach WordPress Basics to the Students?

   WordPress is basically a free as well as open source system used by the professionals and firms. Word press is entirely based on PHP as well as MySQL. Word Press is totally online based software, open source website generation tool that is normally written in PHP. In the present era, it is considered as […]

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Discussion 2

Please review the Interactive Case Study (Links to an external site.) about Ms. Ruiz and her students. After reviewing the case study, please address the following: Choose two of the options Ms. Ruiz provides for performance-based assessment.  How do these options meet the Five Criteria for Effective Assessment as described in your textbook? Cite research from […]

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What are regular expressions? Why are regular expressions useful? How would you use regular expressions in data visualizations?

  Many data science, analyst, and technology professionals have encountered regular expressions at some point. This esoteric, miniature language is used for matching complex text patterns, and looks mysterious and intimidating at first. However, regular expressions (also called “regex”) are a powerful tool that only require a small time investment to learn. They are almost […]

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Week 5 Discussion 1 Classroom Assessment

   Tomlinson (2001) described differentiated assessment as an ongoing process through which teachers gather data before, during, and after instruction from multiple sources to identify learners’ needs and strengths. In a quality class that is built on the foundation of differentiation, the teacher will infuse a constant stream of assessments (before, during, and after) to […]

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The Collegiate Way

300-400words Given the elements and factors described by Thelin (2019) that constitute the “collegiate ideal,” or “collegiate way,” reflect on the ways in which campus culture and popular perceptions of college life evolved over time. Compare those to attitudes and beliefs among college stakeholders today, as represented in the text- What Is the “Collegiate Way” […]

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Create lesson plan and complete attached form for standard below. Grade 2nd Standard – CC.2. Count to 100 by ones and by tens.

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White Papers

   First read Rhetorical Move Structure in High-Tech Marketing White Papers, pages 95-100 and 104-118. Then, use the Excelsior Library or search engine to find an industry online magazine or online journal white paper. Analyze the white paper, and discuss the following questions. White paper for an industry of your choice. (400 words) What […]

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Questions and Answers 11th class

Read and develop five questions and answers for each reading. The first six screenshots are titled:”Seeing a Different Picture:Assessment & the Arts.” Develop five questions and answers. The last screenshot is titled “Evaluating Outcomes of Instruction.” Develop five questions and answers. Please separate the two readings with their questions and answers. Due in 24 hours.

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Read Price & Nelson (Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, and Chapter 18) (ATTACHED). Then write a 2-page (½ page from Chapter 15, ½ page from Chapter 16, ½ page from Chapter 17, and ½ page from Chapter 18) reflection from the chapter by selecting an idea from the reading, describing your thoughts and feelings […]

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explicit instruction classroom expectations lesson

  Overview You are either a 1st-grade or 8th-grade teacher. It is mid-October and you have noticed that your students are often off task, talking to one another during transitions, and not following the classroom rules you created at the beginning of the year. Upon further reflection, you realized you did not explicitly teach and […]

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